Monday, July 9, 2012


And so what started as a lonely night,
Became one that was full of hope.
She dressed to kill with eyes that gleamed,
on her face murder she wrote.

There he was covered in the dark,
her heart skipped a beat.
With goggles for eyes and brain going dead,
it was then their lips did meet.

The world went round and they both fell down,
into a predicted regret.
When the lights came on; they should have known,
their lips should have never met.

What was close is now apart;
broken down to pieces.
Her heart was there, but his were not,
another one of her hit and misses.

And so now the two are left to play,
a silly game of what was there?
Neither knowing what to do,
or who did truly care.

She stood up and brushed it off;
pretending that is wasn't she,
who took a plunge into the abyss,
where she cared more than he.

Another came and showed her things,
things she wished to have seen,
the things that she wished the other had done,
and the things that could have been.

Two pieces of what was her heart now lies with each;
two pieces of her heart that wont seem to agree.
One says stay the other says go,
but to whom, we'll never know.

So here she'll lie awaiting her death,
one that must swiftly come.
"Its better for an unbeating heart", she thought
rather than a broken one.


Monday, July 2, 2012

Bye June, Hello July.

June went by painfully fast. Days just flew by and all I can remember was struggling.

Struggling to meet a deadline, struggling for tests, struggling to fight off all urges to binge, struggling to be a better person day by day and well yeah you get it. Everyday was a struggle.

Initially all I wanted to do was rant about my struggles in June, but truth be told I actually am grateful for a lot of the things that occurred in June. Everything wasn't so bad once most of the chaos died down a little.

And then everything became chaotic. Again.

Still grateful though for without those unfortunate events, no lesson would've been learned.

This blog is useless, it has no thesis statement, it has no body but what I can give is a conclusion.

July better start looking up or else I foresee a repetition of 2011.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bodyrockers in the house tonight.

Oh it has been too long since my last post. And I have yet to update anything on my life. I have yet to report back on when I went for the CFP in Blue Mountains and etc etc. But you see, I have a life outside of the internet. So, its hard to juggle two huge things at once. I'm already multi-tasking as it is!

So I was Whatsapp-ing with my friend Wun the other night and we were talking about this website . She expressed her interest in this workout website and so me, being the curious cat that I am, decided "what the hell, wont hurt viewing it". And so, I did.

Lo and behold, it appealed to me almost instantly. The background of the website was a picture of one of the trainers, Lisa-Marie (you can find her in FB under Lisa-Marie Bodyrock I think), and as the name of the website goes...Her body was rocking. Like seriously.

And the testimonies that were given by real people and the pictures shared really motivated me and got me thinking, "hey, if these people can why cant i?". After all, I am not handicapped neither am I suffering from any form of illness. Why can't I trim up?

I have been trying to shape up through various ways. I've been hitting the gym as hard as my body can take, even started the dreadful evening jogs months back and still trying to stick to it, monitored my food intake as to not excessively consuming unnecessary food and such. Although I went into high gear trying to shed these fats, it was slow and rather demotivating. Still trying to stay positive though!

Note to all, I didn't stop eating meat to lose weight. It was to mourn over the loss of my puppy. Some might think that is stupid, believe me..I was there before. But after the experience of bringing one into the world, tending to it and all that shebang, it kinda sorta really hurt a lot when someone ran over my dear dear Chubby. Not a day goes by where I don't remember you, my love! *cries a little*

So back to my main point, bodyrock. (Hehe sorry, I have mild ADD.)

As I was browsing through the website and checking out their workout videos, which at first, looked damn easy but I attempted one, you can find it under Flat belly in 7 days bodyrock in youtube, and damn was it hard. But regardless, I must be able to do this soon!

I also stumbled upon their 30 days challenge and guess whos thinking about doing it?????

Thats right.


So, stay tuned for progress reports. And being the lazy person that I am, I will try to be as consistent as possible in reporting my progress. Byeeeee!!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Temporary Insanity

The sound of the hallow bells ringing,
Indicating that you remembered me.
A rush of joy and content eludes my heart,
Hoping for more but always getting less.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Run for cover.

You just can't imagine what looking at this photo does to my insides. It's like the hard wall I built around my heart is caving inwards and soon will be left with nothing but a rubble of despair.

Okay fine, a simpler way to put it is; I want this for myself.

No, not having an old man kissing my cheek. That's just weird. Well it wouldn't be if it were my late grandfather whom I have never met. 

I want this kind of love. The one that lasts till you're old and grey. The kind that has decades of memories encompassed into one relationship. 

I want to like the person I'm in love with or at least have that longing. The longing of wanting to grow old together. Someone who I know will be there til the world comes down.

I know I've said previously that I would minimize my rants on love, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to keep herself sane. 

I can't remember the last time I missed someone or have thought of someone with such a longing.

I miss that. *sigh*


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I want food,
I want world peace,
I want the cure for cancer,
I want the abuse against animals to stop,
I want child abuse to stop,
I want Malaysia to be ruled by leaders who aren't selfish self-centered egoistic bastards,
I want Sabah to get richer from the natural resources that are being stolen,
I want to hit the jackpot so I wont have to worry about money,
I want to be skinny so I could fit into size 2 dresses,
I want Sheldon Cooper from big bang theory to be my best friend,
I want a guy who could appreciate me,
I want my parents to live healthy and forever,

want want want want want want.

Are wants needs though?

I need sleep, but I'm typing this out right now.
I need to quit smoking, but I still light up once in a while.
I need to study harder and smarter, but I still leave it to the last minute.
I need to take action on my beliefs, but here I sit on my ass ranting out on a blog entry.

Human beings are made to be resistant, I was told once by a very lousy lecturer. That was the
only smart thing she has ever said.

There is no conclusion to this unstructured post.

And frankly, I don't care.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Insignificantly important.

It's no big deal. You're not a big deal. But I want you anyway.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The only constant is change.

I remember my cousin, Gerard, used to find that phrase very fascinating due to its contradicting meaning individually as words.


Change is inevitable. That's the only way human beings can ever better themselves. And hopefully for me, 10 weeks from now, I will be the same person but in a different body.

See you in 10 weeks. :)


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hand-me-down heart.

Have mercy on me.
Be kind to my battered heart.


Monday, February 27, 2012


There are things in life that need to be done in moderation.


Talking when you have nothing good to day.

Laughing at pointless things because you can.

Eating excessively.


And the list goes on. Endlessly.


I am not one to do things in moderation. I overdo things and I do it all excessively. I don't know how to reign this beast within. And for those out there who face this similar "problem", the stigma most moderate people in society would use to define us, shouldn't be ashamed of this.

It's because we behave this way that most people in our circles are impacted and we are remembered. Bad or good, you still leave an impression. It baffles me how most of us tend to shrink ourselves down just so others may not feel bothered or annoyed or overwhelmed by our presence.

Live your life how you want to live it. Cliched words of advice but its usually those simple one liners which we may always find hard to follow.

Good day to you.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Bicycle Boy.

Today, as I drove comfortably in my car, I watched a little boy paddle his bicycle up a slight hill. He looked like he was barely 9 years old, dressed in shabby clothing and mismatched slippers. Mind you, I was driving rather slowly, captivated by this random everyday happening.

All of a sudden, he must have bumped on something for the next thing I knew, he fell of his bike face first on the ground. At that very moment, I felt like stopping the car and getting out to give some assistance to this little boy. But instead I stayed in the comfort of my car, watching him get back up and continued paddling.

I watched him paddle and paddle from the review mirror, and somehow this little incident moved my heart. I had a rather sheltered and comfortable childhood. Never having to go anywhere without the comfort of being driven in a car by my parents or older siblings.

I then wondered how many more children in KK had to endure the same fate as this bicycle boy. If he did it for leisure, then all I can say is he better be more careful whilst riding his bicycle by a busy roadside. But if he did it only because he couldn't have the same comforts as I did as a child, then my heart goes out to him and those like him.

And then I found myself walking back to my car after meeting up with friends. Two little boys were talking in front of me about which kind of security men did they like the most, the ones who wear blue or those who wore white. They talked about how they aspired to be like them one day when they're older. Cutest. Conversation. Ever.

I then said a silent prayer, hoping that my prayers would be answered seeing that is it Lent, and asked God if he could somehow show enough mercy to these children who are deprived of love and attention from those who brought them into this world.

To present to them opportunities to get themselves a better life. To help them realize that their worth more than whatever the society and the naysayers say they do. To be brave enough to dream big and to want more for themselves but at the same time realizing the worth of hard work and determination.

I'm lucky to have had the guidance of my father, who never stopped believing in me and who still believes I could be more than what I am now. I'm lucky to have a mother who nags at me every time I slack or do not reach my full potential. I'm lucky to have siblings to keep me grounded and level-headed. I'm lucky to be surrounded by hard-working friends that inspire me to dream big and work harder.

But luck is defined as a force that brings good fortune, so instead I am actually blessed.

Enjoy the little things in life, for it is those exact things that shape our lives.

Good day to you, friend.
