Monday, July 2, 2012

Bye June, Hello July.

June went by painfully fast. Days just flew by and all I can remember was struggling.

Struggling to meet a deadline, struggling for tests, struggling to fight off all urges to binge, struggling to be a better person day by day and well yeah you get it. Everyday was a struggle.

Initially all I wanted to do was rant about my struggles in June, but truth be told I actually am grateful for a lot of the things that occurred in June. Everything wasn't so bad once most of the chaos died down a little.

And then everything became chaotic. Again.

Still grateful though for without those unfortunate events, no lesson would've been learned.

This blog is useless, it has no thesis statement, it has no body but what I can give is a conclusion.

July better start looking up or else I foresee a repetition of 2011.


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