Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bodyrockers in the house tonight.

Oh it has been too long since my last post. And I have yet to update anything on my life. I have yet to report back on when I went for the CFP in Blue Mountains and etc etc. But you see, I have a life outside of the internet. So, its hard to juggle two huge things at once. I'm already multi-tasking as it is!

So I was Whatsapp-ing with my friend Wun the other night and we were talking about this website . She expressed her interest in this workout website and so me, being the curious cat that I am, decided "what the hell, wont hurt viewing it". And so, I did.

Lo and behold, it appealed to me almost instantly. The background of the website was a picture of one of the trainers, Lisa-Marie (you can find her in FB under Lisa-Marie Bodyrock I think), and as the name of the website goes...Her body was rocking. Like seriously.

And the testimonies that were given by real people and the pictures shared really motivated me and got me thinking, "hey, if these people can why cant i?". After all, I am not handicapped neither am I suffering from any form of illness. Why can't I trim up?

I have been trying to shape up through various ways. I've been hitting the gym as hard as my body can take, even started the dreadful evening jogs months back and still trying to stick to it, monitored my food intake as to not excessively consuming unnecessary food and such. Although I went into high gear trying to shed these fats, it was slow and rather demotivating. Still trying to stay positive though!

Note to all, I didn't stop eating meat to lose weight. It was to mourn over the loss of my puppy. Some might think that is stupid, believe me..I was there before. But after the experience of bringing one into the world, tending to it and all that shebang, it kinda sorta really hurt a lot when someone ran over my dear dear Chubby. Not a day goes by where I don't remember you, my love! *cries a little*

So back to my main point, bodyrock. (Hehe sorry, I have mild ADD.)

As I was browsing through the website and checking out their workout videos, which at first, looked damn easy but I attempted one, you can find it under Flat belly in 7 days bodyrock in youtube, and damn was it hard. But regardless, I must be able to do this soon!

I also stumbled upon their 30 days challenge and guess whos thinking about doing it?????

Thats right.


So, stay tuned for progress reports. And being the lazy person that I am, I will try to be as consistent as possible in reporting my progress. Byeeeee!!


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