Monday, February 27, 2012


There are things in life that need to be done in moderation.


Talking when you have nothing good to day.

Laughing at pointless things because you can.

Eating excessively.


And the list goes on. Endlessly.


I am not one to do things in moderation. I overdo things and I do it all excessively. I don't know how to reign this beast within. And for those out there who face this similar "problem", the stigma most moderate people in society would use to define us, shouldn't be ashamed of this.

It's because we behave this way that most people in our circles are impacted and we are remembered. Bad or good, you still leave an impression. It baffles me how most of us tend to shrink ourselves down just so others may not feel bothered or annoyed or overwhelmed by our presence.

Live your life how you want to live it. Cliched words of advice but its usually those simple one liners which we may always find hard to follow.

Good day to you.


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