Monday, March 26, 2012

Run for cover.

You just can't imagine what looking at this photo does to my insides. It's like the hard wall I built around my heart is caving inwards and soon will be left with nothing but a rubble of despair.

Okay fine, a simpler way to put it is; I want this for myself.

No, not having an old man kissing my cheek. That's just weird. Well it wouldn't be if it were my late grandfather whom I have never met. 

I want this kind of love. The one that lasts till you're old and grey. The kind that has decades of memories encompassed into one relationship. 

I want to like the person I'm in love with or at least have that longing. The longing of wanting to grow old together. Someone who I know will be there til the world comes down.

I know I've said previously that I would minimize my rants on love, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to keep herself sane. 

I can't remember the last time I missed someone or have thought of someone with such a longing.

I miss that. *sigh*


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